Saturday, October 01, 2005

More on 9/29 meeting

Some more about the Task Force meeting a couple of days ago.... I thought the group did a nice job figuring things out, making decisions, setting dates, determining responsibilities, etc.

The drying out under rooms 16 and 17 is now done, and 15 and 18 are being dried out now - should take about a week more to complete. Fans are noisy, but teachers are willing to put up with it. Work will start soon on mold removal - which will be noisier, but after 4 PM. I'm going to check with those teachers to be sure this works for them. So, nobody has had to relocate their classroom, which is a blessing, for sure.

Those waiting for blood test results will get them asap. We decided to do a Q&A session for school staff with Dr. Anderson within the next couple of weeks. I'll help arrange a date for that. And then we discussed having a similar meeting with school parents. Looks like the end of Oct. or early Nov. - when everything is totally finished and the final report from Dr. A. is ready. The district will send out a letter to families via US Mail, with info on the meeting and a brief description of the mold problem and what was done to correct it.

So, good things are in the works, there is light visible at the end of the tunnel. We discussed other stuff, too - ongoing monitoring of soil under the school, billing for those seeking medical evaluations, etc.

It was a hard working group meeting lasting 2 hours. The Task Force has been through a lot and has accomplished quite a bit. Too early for pats on the back, but I think most everybody left feeling good about where we are heading.


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