Tomorrow is the first day of school, and Arbor Heights will open on time. There were some tense moments this summer when our very opening was in doubt. It is a tribute to several folks who worked extremely hard the past two months to overcome decades of neglect.
There is still a classroom where dehumidifiers are drying out the crawlspace. There is no class using that classroom, thank goodness.
Our rooms along the back hallway have cleaner air than they have had in many, many years. The new heaters should finally keep us all warm when the cold weather comes.
Most classrooms have new faucets and water filters, but we will have bottled water to start the year, because the results for the lead tests on the new fixtures are not back yet.
I truly hope that our district will now begin to reevaluate how it is spending money on its schools, that it will consider changing the focus from building brand-spanking new showcase schools to adequately funding the maintenance budgets on the schools we already have.